Bixpy 5V USB Cable (PP-333/378 Batteries only)


Your Bixpy Outboard Battery features an auxiliary port that provide 5V or 12V outputs. With this USB cable, you will be able to use your Bixpy Outboard Battery to access the 5V output and charge your phone, tablet or cameras in addition to running 5V lights or any other small personal electronic requiring 5V USB power.

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Your Bixpy Outboard Battery features an auxiliary port that provide 5V or 12V outputs. With this USB cable, you will be able to use your Bixpy Outboard Battery to access the 5V output and charge your phone, tablet or cameras in addition to running 5V lights or any other small personal electronic requiring 5V USB power.

Please note, as with all other USB cables, the USB end of this cable is not waterproof and you must take pre-cautions to ensure not to damage your equipment when charging or running them near water.

Parts included :

  • Waterproof connector with cap (waterproof on battery end only).
  • 3' USB cable
  • Connector cap for when not in use

Other details :

  • Protection: Water proof connector tip
  • Safety: Connector cap for when not in use
  • Plug: Female USB plug
  • Compatibility: Compatible with iPhone and all other phones and tablets
  • Output:5V - 1A output max

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